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Discover our comprehensive collection of the most amazing wholesale Christmas baubles, available to you for wholesale and bulk purchase. Each year we handpick hundreds of Christmas baubles and Shatterproof baubles in top trending colours and designs which will appeal to a wealth of tastes and budgets. Deck the halls with wholesale baubles that exude both elegance and quaint Christmas charm. Shop vintage baubles, glass baubles and the most decadent light up baubles, offering your customers that unique gift that will become a treasured heirloom of tomorrow.
2/a Striped Baubles
# 68185
Christmas green and cream champagne glass baubles decorated with a shimmering glitter mistletoe design.
# 50374
A beautiful frosted glass bauble decorated with a white and silver glitter berry branch design.
# 49494
A mottled effect glass apple hanging decoration.
# 62343
A mix of 4 luxurious metallic baubles made from glass. Each has a stylish wave design and silver cap hanger.
# 61965
Almost Gone
Almost Gone
Almost Gone
Almost Gone
Almost Gone
Effortlessly hang our airy foam bauble cream for a lightweight touch of festive charm.
# 68154
Almost Gone
A glass bauble decorated with a traditional red and green glitter Christmas tree. Complete with gold detailing
# 49454
Ornate hanging baubles with decorative glitter patterns and silver sequins.
# 44279
Showing 60 of 101

Visit Our Trade Only Christmas Showroom

Browse our unrivalled collection of wholesale Christmas gifts and decorations at your leisure with refreshments and be inspired by visual displays in our 2,500 sq ft trade only showroom.

Located in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom by appointment only.